Robosota is looking for volunteers for the spring event staff.

Robosota, in collaboration with the City of Riihimäki and the University of Applied Sciences, is planning spring competitions tentatively scheduled for April 25–27, 2025.

The current plan is to hold the traditional Robosota tournament on Saturday, April 26, and a possible Hackathon tournament between students of Riihimäki University of Applied Sciences on Sunday, April 27. For these events, we are seeking volunteer staff to assist with organizing the tournaments. Assistants from Riihimäki University of Applied Sciences are also expected to join the effort.

The City of Riihimäki is providing hotel accommodations, so even those traveling from afar need not worry about lodging.

If you are interested in participating as a volunteer, please submit your information in the survey below by January 10, 2025.At this stage, participation is non-binding—we are simply assessing whether we can get enough support to help organize the event and thereby enable the Hackathon in Riihimäki.

Further details about the event will likely be published during February.

I'm interested off participating as volunteer into event:

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